Chris has been training me for roughly 5 months. In this short time, my outlook on fitness and healthy eating has changed significantly.
My goal has been to build muscle and burn fat. In 5 months, I have replaced roughly 4% of my overall body fat with muscle, which equates to turning 6 pounds of fat into muscle. I have improved my squat form and recently hit a new personal squat record of 185 lbs, a deadlift PR of 225 lbs, and I have learned about the importance of high intensity interval cardio training.
Working with Chris has been a life changing experience. He allows me to understand what I am truly capable of and helps me to learn my strengths, while challenging me to improve on my weak points. Chris is extremely positive thinking and always very motivating. He tailors all diets and workout routines to the particular client, realizing that everyone is a little bit different and has different goals. Through this experience, I have transformed my lifestyle to make working out a crucial part of my every day routine. To complement my workout routines, I have also learned how to eat healthier, which gives me more energy throughout the day. I am extremely happy with my results thus far, and I look forward to my continued progress. I wouldn’t be where I am today without his constant support!
-Nicole, 22
(see deadlift video below)